Questioni have a 96 ford explorer when in 4 wheel drive the front wheels don't pull tho the front axal turns
Are the front axles turning, or is it just the driveline?
You may have a vacuum problem at the differential. Most front differentials in this model use a vacuum system to lock in the front end. When this fails, you lose front wheel drive. The problem components are: shift motor, vacuum switch or the vacuum harness/vacuum lines. This is the most common failure when you lose front wheel drive.
Other possible problems are a broken front axle, then the front end will not put power to the front wheels. Check out the front axles and axle u-joints/cv joints.
Other problem components could be: transfer case electric shift motor, shift relay to electronic clutch, transfer Case gear sensor switch, etc.
I would suggest that you purchase a repair manual from a local auto parts store. These are great for trouble shooting and are not that expensive.