4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1994 Ford Exlorer stuck in 4 wheel drive, wheel dive, ford exlorer

My w 4 wheel dive has worked fine. My son got the car stuck out back in snow and mud.  He pushed the button for 4 wheel drive and the light went on.  He got the car out after shoveling, but now it won't go back to 2 wheel drive.  Both lights are on snd the hubs are sticking out of the front tires, but when you push the button, it won't go off.  Have tried the back up thing, but the lights won't go off. Any thoughts on what could be wrong?  Thanks


First of all, I'm not sure what you are saying when you tell me that the hubs are sticking out of the front tires.  If you have selectable hubs, you can drive the Explorer on pavement by turning the hubs out.  Since you have a switchable 4-wheel drive, I doubt that you have selectable hubs.  

One thing you need to avoid, is driving it in 4-wheel drive on the pavement.  This will lock up the transfer case and can tear up running gear.

It sounds like you may have a shorted switch or wiring.
I would get it towed to a reputable transmission shop as soon as possible.

Or, if you wish to check this out yourself, (this could be anything from a bad switch, faulty module on the transfer case, wet or broken wire, or a bad ground)  I would purchase a repair manual and a test light or multimeter and start chasing out wires looking for an open or shorted circuit.

It's almost impossible to tell you an exact fix without looking at the vehicle in person.
