4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 4x4 wheel drive chevy, clutch packs, chevy 4x4
Question4x4 wheel drive wont engage
Depending on what year and model you have, this could be caused by several things. Some of the transfer cases have clutch packs in them, and the wrong oil, or low oil can cause them to slip or wear out. On some models, there is an electrical module in the front differential that engages the front end which could be bad or have broken wiring.
If it has an electrical switch for 4-wheel drive, this can be faulty, along with it's wiring.
You need to purchase a repair manual ($20 or so) at your local auto parts store. These have trouble shooting and repair explanations, along with diagrams and photos of the components. These manuals are invaluable for tracing down problems such as yours.