4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Noise from driver side tire, chevy blazer, wheel alignment
Questiononce I hit 15 MPH in my 04 Chevy Blazer I get a whirring And here recently a grinding noise from the tire well and some vibration. I assume the fact that the inside of the tire is worn down to showing belts has something to do with it also and for some reason if I backup with the wheel turn hard right, it feels like I am running over something. Most of this started when I changed my brake pads if that has anything to do with this I don't know. Any Thoughts?
First of all, there is no way that you should be driving on a tire that is bad let alone one that is completely shot.
If the inside of the tire is worn that bad, then you have a bad alignment, or some extremely worn out steering components. The brake pads should have nothing to do with this problem. You need to get this rig into a reputable alignment shot asap, and get a 4-wheel alignment. Also, you need to replace the tires and probably the shocks before it gets back on the road.