4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 97 Blazer 4WD problem, ill family member, gm dealer

Adam,  I checked the voltage on the front end actuator, and have over 12 volts when 4WD button is on. This actuator is round, about 1 inch in diameter and about 4 inches long. The wires hook to the middle of this and there is a screw in cable that hooks to the end. Other than this cable that screws in, the rest appears to be an integral part of the housing where the drive to the right wheel comes out of the front end bell housing. If you think I need to change this, please give some details as to how it is done.  Thanks,  Dale

Dale, sorry for the delay I have had an ill family member so I wasnt able to get back to you right away I think that this is your problem it isnt hard to put it in , you just have to take the acuator out of the front end and put the new one in, check with your local GM dealer though becouse I know that alot of the trucks they changed the wiring harness and it comes with a new one . Thanks ADAM