4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: battery wiring, battery drain, battery cable

I have a 99 jimmy which has a battery drain. I have replaced the alternator and battery and still the same problem. I used a meter which clamps around a wiring to show you the amps going through it. On one wire coming out of a module type thing going to the battery it showed a 1.6amp flow with the truck turned off. Also coming out of that module thing was the cable which ran to the alternator and they were the only two there in that module. All other cables tested fine with minimal to no drain at all.

Any ideas as to what this device might be or whether there may be anything else drawing the power out of the battery?

First thing you should do is disconect the positve battery cable , leave it  sit for a few minutes, and than take a meter and put them on the cables and see if it has any juice going through it, do you have an aftermarket alarm, remote start , or radio? Adam