4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 2002-3 GMC Jimmy, gmc jimmy, transfercase
I have a 02-03 Jimmy and as I was doing errands today the transmission decided to go into 4-wheel low and stay there. The light on the dash for 4-wheel low is on and when I press the button for 2-wheel high it button just blinks. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it back into 2-wheel drive.
Thank you,
AnswerChris , sorry I have been out of town a few days, put your blazer in neutral , and than switch to 4high and than to 2 high . see if that works, if that dont work , block the wheel put in neutral and tap on the motor located on the transfercase and have someone inside try switching it to 4high . It is most likely the motor or the control box, let me know if it works ADAM