4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 2004 Ford Explorer Front End Issue, dry pavement, auto button

A few weeks ago, my Explorer started making a very loud low-pitched rumble when driving 55+ on the highway, and it intensified when the highway curved to the left.  The noise was present but not so loud when driving straight on regular streets, and it is non-existent when making low speed turns.  It sounded like a really loud low-frequency subwoofer rather than a grinding noise.  People I talked to suggested that it is likely a wheel bearing.

2 or 3 weeks after this began, my ABS light on my instrument panel began to come on randomly while driving.  It resets when the car is turned off, but soon returns after a few minutes of driving.  The brakes didn't feel strange at all and were working fine.

Just in the last week, the brake pedal starteed vibrating as if the ABS is engaged while stopping on perfectly dry pavement.  It doesn't happen every time the brakes are used, but it is very frequent.  At the same time, my "4x4 Hi" indicator light will randomly come on while driving.  If I push the "4x4 Auto" button, it will go off only to come back on in a few seconds.  If left alone, the light comes on for a couple seconds, then goes back off, and it will eventually stay on or stay totally off for a while and then it's back into the cycle again.

My concern is that my whole front end might need to be replaced, but I am really hoping that it is something a little cheaper than that.  Any ideas?

Sounds like you have a bad wheel bearing and it is letting the brake rub the speed sensor on the one that is bad. This will cause it to engage the ABS all the time as well as lock it into 4x4 sine for 1 it thinks one of the wheels is locked up on deceleration and 2 it thinks 3 wheels are spinning on acceleration. Check the front wheels for loosness and replace the bad set of bearings
