4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1989 Toyota 4Runner vaccum lines, toyota 4runner, vacuum diagrams

I recently rebuilt the engine, now when i start it up it will die 2 to 3 times before
it will take off running ok, also i can't remember the exact vaccum map. Do you
know where i can get one?


You need to purchase a Chilton's or a Hayne's repair manual for your vehicle.  They can be purchased at most auto parts stores for, around $20.  They have the information you need, along with basic trouble shooting, and repairs, including wiring and vacuum diagrams.  If any special tools are needed the manuals will list them.  These manuals are designed for a year or range of years for specific vehicles, and are invaluable if you are planning on doing any repairs, or maintenance yourself.

You can purchase a shop manual from your dealer, or on line if you wish.  These manuals contain much more information about your vehicle, but they are fairly costly, usually costing around $100 or so.
