4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: transmission ?, brevada, reputable shop
QuestionI Own a 2001 Brevada. It currently has 87,000 miles. My reverse just stoped working this sat(6-19),and at the same time when I first take off in drive it won't shift unless I let off the gas for a second then persue forward. May I have your expert openion on the matter.
AnswerA frined of mine her jeep had a similar issuse, although i dont know exactly what it was, but i do know they took it to the shop and had it repaired, and she told me it was a broken reverse belt or something like that, but she is not mechanicly inclined so she wasnt able to tell me much about it, you might be able to drian the tranny fluid, and the after the fuild has been drained you can take the tranny fluid pan off, and look to see whats wrong. But check your gear shift lever first. But i would recomend taking your vehicle to a reputable shop and have them fix it, due to the complexity of trannys. Hope this provides a little insight to what youre lookin for.