4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1995 Wrangler Gear Change, 5th gear, gear ratio

I have a 95 Wrangler. It has a 2.5 inch lift with 31" tires on it. It is a 2.5liter engine. It lags big time on the free way (4th and 5th Gear). I know it is very under powered, but I was wondering if I change the gear ratio to 3.73 or somewhere around that, would it help on the free way. What are the plus's and minus's of doing that? And can I do it myself, I have access to some shop equipment.

what are we trying to do here?

Is there a great loss of power or does this run normal?

I would say if it runs normal do not try to repair something that isn't broken, you know putting larger tires will make it slow a bit but not that much even with the 2.5.

If there is an engine problem with losing power I would report problems.