4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: stuck in 4 wheel low, vacuum line, transmission shop

I have a 1992 jimmy. It has a button you push to put it in 4 high or 4 low. We put it in 4 low and get get it back to two wheel driving. Can you help?


Is it going into high range when you select 2-Wheel drive, or is it actually staying in low range?

Check your user's manual.  Some vehicles have a method of shifting from low range back to high range or 2-Wheel drive such as slowing down to 2 miles per hour or slower, then putting the transmission into neutral before shifting from high to low, or back from low to high.

If you don't have a user's manual, I would purchase one at your local dealer.

If this doesn't work, you may have to have it checked out at a reputable transmission shop, preferably one that specializes in 4-wheel drives.  You may have a broken wire, bad switch, or a bad vacuum line at the transfer case.
