4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1997 explorer suspension, crackling noise, eddy bauer
QuestionHi I have a 1997 Ford explorer eddy bauer AWD V8, and the vehicle drives great but it makes a noise in the suspension when I go over bumps or drive onto my driveway, or when I go over uneven roads that make the suv go side to side. I figured its the front suspension and does it all the time. The noise is like a clucking sound like metal against metal noise, its not much of a bang but just makes like a crackling noise. I think it might be the long rods that are mounted in the middle of the suv and go through the lower control arms, they are there instead of the coil springs, but I think they are making the noise, possibly twisting and making the crackling noise against the metal. Please tell me what can I do, or where can I go. thank you very much! -James
It's hard to say what the problem is without actually hearing it, but I would suspect that you have some bad or worn bushings. These could be any combination of suspension bushings, or even some bad body mounts. This could, also be bad shock absorbers.
I would start by getting some buddies over, and have them rock the Explorer as hard as they can from side to side, and see if you can duplicate the sound. This way, you may be able to pinpoint which component, or location where the bad part is mounted.