4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 4x4 problem, chevy blazer, loose gravel

I have a 2000 Chevy Blazer 4x4. The vehicle won't go into 4x4 Hi but will go into 4x4 Lo. Where would you look for the problem


That is unusual, as it is usually low range that has the shifting problem.  I am not familiar with which transfer case you have, but due to the year, it is possible that you have electronic shifting.  If this is the case, your problem could be a bad ground, or faulty solenoid.

Make sure that it is not physically going into high range by testing it on some loose gravel, or dirt.  This will confirm that it is not just a bad switch controlling the high range dash light/ high range indicator.

If it is mechanical shift, then there could be a problem with the linkage to the transfer case.

I would suggest that you purchase a manual for your Blazer.  You can get them at most auto parts stores for around $20.  They are great for trouble shooting, and repair.
