4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 4x4 LOW NOT ENGAGING, explorer sport trac, auto parts stores

Hi, this is Diego writing from Lima, Peru. My vehicle is a 2003 Explorer Sport Trac 4x4 that I imported to Peru without knowing it had been flooded. Because of the damage done by the water, I have replaced the PCM, anti theft module and the 4x4 control module.    The thing is that the truck engages 4x4 HI perfectly. However, it does not engage 4x4 LOW. Needless to say, before putting the switch on the LOW position, I bring the truck to a complete stop and put it in neutral, but nothing happens. If the 4x4 HI is already engaged and I try to engage LOW, the dash board light (4x4 HI) turns off and the truck remains in 4x4 HI. If I move the switch directly from 2WD to 4x4 LOW, both lights remain off and the truck remains in 2WD.  When the 4x4 HI engages I hear a clicking sound from the 4x4 control module. This does not happen when I try to engage LOW.     What could the problem be?    Thanks in advance.


Sounds like you have a bad relay, or solenoid (control module).  

I would suggest that you purchase a repair manual, and check out the transfer case section.  A Chilton's or a Hayne's manual can be purchased at most auto parts stores for $20, and they have a lot of information on basic trouble shooting, and repairs.  These manuals are designed for a year or range of years for specific vehicles, and are invaluable if you are planning on doing any repairs yourself.

Another thing to try, would be to have the transmission, transfer case, and differentials serviced, if you haven't already.  This is simply changing out all of the fluids.  There is a slight chance that there are some components that have gotten silt from the flooding in them, and are binding, or are causing some drag on the shifting mechanism.
