4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Chev K20 4WD Not Working, chilton manual, manual hubs
QuestionDash light indicates engaged. Shaft from Transfer Case to Fr. Diff. rotates but no drive. The 4WD is used very infrequenty. The truck is an '84. Chilton says lock the hubs before engaging but there is no way of locking the hubs.
It sounds like you have a type of automatic hub, and they are not engaging.
Most 84 4x4's have manual hubs. If not, and you have automatic hubs, then you may have a leaking vacuum line, or a bad electrical connection depending on the type of hubs you have. Make sure that the Chilton manual covers your model, and year. If you have the right manual, confirm that you are looking up the correct front differential and hub assembly.