4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Help about front suspension bottoming out, alignment shop, bump stops

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I am wondering what your thoughts are.  I have a 97 yukon with 115k on it.  I recently replaced the factory shocks on the rear end.  The bumps seemed almost worst.  So, I changed the front factory shocks with new ones.  Now I have an issue where it seems like the bump stops are resting on the control arms.  If i am on a flat road it is fine but bumps are bad and noisey.  I cranked up the torsion bars to increase the front height. That seemed to work for a day and they are down again.  Do I crank them up more or am i missing something?

Thanks you in advance
Answer -

I don't know which type of shocks you bought, but I would suggest either an overload type, or a gas filled shock if this isn't what you installed.  It sounds like your suspension is starting to sag, so a cheap shock may not help.  
You might consider taking it to a reputable alignment shop, and have them check out your suspension, including any bushings that may be worn.  
You could, also consider installing a small lift as an alternative to replacing worn suspension components with stock ones.  As far as cranking up the torsion bars, this can help, but is not one of the best fixes if your suspension is sagging to a point where components need replacement.


Thanks Carl,
Only other thought is could it be the springs need to be replaced?



This is a very good possibility.  I suggested the overload, or gas filled shocks, as this can compensate for weak springs if the springs aren't too bad.  A good alignment, or body repair shop should be able to check out your suspension, and give you an estimate for replacing the springs if they are bad.
