Questionafter installing a stereo in my 1993 Grand cherokee Limited 4wd, the interior lights and the security system are not working properly. the interior lights will intermittantly go on and off while driving. i do not know how to fix it, or atleast how to troubleshoot it.
thanks for your help
I don't know who installed the stereo, but it sounds like the wires were tapped into the wrong circuit, or a ground wire was pulled loose. If you installed the system, you need to trace out your wiring, and make sure that you haven't pulled a wire loose somewhere. Also, make sure that you have connected the wires to the appropriate circuits, and not one of the computer or sensor circuits. If someone else installed the stereo, see if they will check it out.
A repair manual would be handy, as they have wiring diagrams, along with wiring color codes in them. A Haynes, or Chiltons can be purchased at most auto parts store for, around $20. These manuals are a great help when working on your own vehicle.