4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 4 wheel drive not engaging, linkage problem, auto parts stores

I have a 1995 tahoe and am having problems with the 4 wheel drive engaging.  I don't use it that often but when i do it does not engage.  The lights indicating the 4 wheel drive is engaged is on but in all actuallity it doesn't.  It has worked in the past and haven't used it since last winter. What can i do about this?  Will it be expensive to fix?


To give you a simple answer would be extremely hard without looking at the truck.  This problem is usually a transfer case problem, and could be as simple as a linkage problem.  Some of vehicles use a vacuum, or electrical switch/solonoid on the transfer case, which has vacuum, or electrical lines running to the front differential that can be pulled loose, or the switch itself can be faulty.  If your transfer case is shifted electically, then it may be just a bad ground to the transfer case.  These problems can be traced out fairly easily.

I would suggest that you purchase a repair manual, and try to trace out the front wheel drive section, starting with the front hubs.  A Chilton's or a Hayne's manual can be purchased at most auto parts stores for $20, and they have a lot of information on basic trouble shooting, and repairs.
These manuals are designed for a year or range of years for specific vehicles, and are invaluable if you are planning on doing any repairs yourself.

Another thing to try, would be to have the transmission, transfer case, and differentials serviced.  This is simply changing out all of the fluids.
There is a slight chance that there are some dry components that are causing some drag on the shifting mechanism.
