4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4.0L, jeep cherokee sport, jeep cherokee

I have a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4.0L.  I bought the vehicle used approximately 6 months ago.  In the time that I have had the vehicle, the turn signal indicators have not always worked properly.  For a period of time, they would either flash as they are supposed to or sometimes "freeze" in the on position.  This normally seemed to happen as I put the flashers on at a stop light/sign.  I had thought that the problem was with how the steering wheel was engaging with the turn signal arm.  I.E. I thought that maybe I had the wheel turned too far in anticipation of the turn.   By manipulating the steering wheel back and forth, I often was able to get the turn signal arm to "click" into the actual flash position instead of freezing on.

Now, I am afraid that the problem has progressed beyond the technique that I had devised to correct it.  When I move the turn signal arm to signal either a left or right hand turn the arm engages in the appropriate position.  The light on the dash display illuminates the indicated direction and remains "frozen" solid.  This happens with the steering wheel in any degree of rotation, including "straight"/ 0 degrees.  All of the external bulbs illuminate without failure, but they also remain frozen on as long as the arm is in the turning position.

Can you offer any ideas on what the problem is.  I have read others' posts about lighting/turn signal issues but none that seem to have this exact problem.  Do you think the problem is most likely with a flasher unit or with the turn signal arm/steering wheel mechanism?

Any info/advice that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  If you suggest checking the flasher or any other relays/fuses, can you please try to tell me where I would access these areas (i.e. Fuse Panel on passenger side, Fuse Panel under Hood, something under steering colum)

Thank you very much for your time and expertise


First, I would suggest that you purchase a repair manual for your vehicle.  You can purchase a manufacturer's shop manual for the Jeep, but they are quite expensive, normally costing, around $100.  A Chilton's or a Hayne's manual can be purchased at most auto parts stores for $20, and they contain a lot of information on basic trouble shooting, and repairs.  These manuals are designed for a year or range of years for specific vehicles and are invaluable if you are planning on doing any repairs yourself.  They, also will give you trouble shooting techniques, along with layouts of the electronic components.

In your case, it sounds as if you may have a couple of problems. The first seems like you have a broken part in the steering wheel that disengages the turn signal lever.  In this case, the broken component could be causing a short in the flasher unit.  This seems like your main problem.  To repair this, usually the steering wheel needs to be removed to access the switch, and the wiring.

One of the things that can cause the turn signal to not flash, is a faulty flasher unit, or a short in one of the turn signal bulbs.  Normally, the flasher unit is a plug in component, and is usually located in or near the fuse block under the dash.  

The repair manual will come in handy for locating these components, and help you in the removal of the steering wheel.
