Questioncould you tell me what could possibly be wrong? for a few months now the transmission on my ford explorer was stuck in park. it now is free from park and drives but when i put it in park the explorer drifts just like it is in nuetral. any help will be greatly appreciated. thank you!
I would suggest that you contact your local Ford dealer, and see if there have been any recalls for this problem. In the past, Ford has had transmission problems with the automatics, mostly with the park function. This can vary from a linkage problem, to broken components in the transmission itself.
If there has been a recall, or bulletin on this problem, the Ford dealer should fix it at no cost. If for some reason they say that there has not been any bulletins, or recalls, you can check around with some of your local shops, to make sure.
Another route you can try, is to do a search on the internet for "Ford Bulletins, or Recalls". This should bring up a site where you can put in your year and model Explorer, and it will give you a list of any known problems.
Some sites to check out: