QuestionI'm starting to have little problems with my Jimmy.
1)After putting the truck into 4wheel, it takes many tries to get it back into 2HI.
2) I turned my turn signal on and the noise maker won't shut off. Lights are not blinking but the sound is on under the dash sporadically.
Thanks for your time...Jason
What kind of terrain are you driving in when in 4-wheel drive? If it is a hard, or paved surface, you can put the transfer case in a bind, and then you need to back up 10 - 20 feet to release the pressure on the transfer case. It is extremely hard on the transfer case to run in 4-wheel drive on hard surfaces. Another cause of the transfer case binding can be different tire sizes in the front than the rear, or different tire pressures. Try putting it into high range from low range while rolling slowly, no more than 2 miles per hour. If it is an automatic, the same thing applies, except with an automatic tranny, you will need to put the transmission in neutral before shifting out of, or into low range.
As far as the turn signal goes, try changing the flasher unit. They are a plug in unit, and fairly cheap. It sounds like yours has shorted out.