4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Natural gas smell in Toyota Tacoma?, muffler shop, rotten eggs
QuestionHey again. So I've been smelling what seems to be natural gas sort of smell in the Toyota Tacoma. At first I thought it was something dead inside or near the air flow/window area. I found nothing. It seems to have lingered for over a month now-sometimes slight and other times strong. It doesn't seem to happen when the windows are up and the A/C on. What gives? I occasionally run the A/C and remember something about the condensor smelling but don't know if it's related. Thanks!
Depends on what you are calling a "natural gas" smell. If it is closer to rotten eggs, then It is, more than likely, your catalytic converter. When they get plugged, or have quit working, they tend to have quite a smell. Get in to your local muffler shop, and have them check it out.