4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 98 Jeep Cherokee Classic - start/stall, throttle position sensor, jeep cherokee

Carl, I am the "new" owner of a 1998 Jeep Cherokee Classic 4x4 with 87K miles. After stop-and-go city driving in hot weather for about 1/2 hour, when I stop and park my car and leave it for 1/2 hour or so, I have a problem. The car will not start up again until I try for 5-10 times. Then, it will start and go for about 50 feet and stall out. It will be really difficult to start up again. Eventually, it runs okay, just like nothing happened...until the next time!
My mechanic took the gas tank and fuel pump out. There was rust and debris around the fuel pump, which he cleaned out, but the problem is still happening. When it stalls, it doesn't idle roughly, it just dies suddenly. Thanks for listening! Joan


If you had that much rust and debris in the tank, your fuel injectors, and fuel filter may be plugged.  Along this line, you should change out your fuel filter.  I would consider checking with another shop, as many of the newer Jeeps had plastic tanks, and should not have any rust in them.  It is possible that one of your sensors, such as the throttle position sensor may be getting hot, and failing.  Too a lesser degree, I have seen a bad starter motor, battery, or alternator cause similar problems when getting hot.  You might try a good brand of fuel injector cleaner on a couple of tanks of gas, and see if that cleans out the fuel system enough to make a difference.
