Questionwhere can I find step-by-step online info on how to repair jeeps (eg. clutch, hardtops, holleyn tunning, restoring)? I need a general how to website.
As far as a website goes, I doubt very much if you could find one that could supply all of the information that you would need. One of the reasons for this, is that every model, or year vehicle has some differences, so to have a website that would be able to contain that information would be very difficult.
You can purchase a manufacturer's shop manual for the Jeep, but they are quite expensive, normally costing, around $100. A Chilton's or a Hayne's manual can be purchased at most auto parts stores for $20, and they have a lot of information on basic trouble shooting, and repairs. These manuals are designed for a year or range of years for specific vehicles, and are invaluable if you are planning on doing any repairs yourself.