4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Possible fuel pump problem, throttle position sensor, wrangler sport
QuestionI Have a 2000 Wrangler Sport with the 4.0 engine. It has recently been difficult to start, and I do not believe it has anything to do with electronics. It has always started immediately and this problem came on slowly in the last 2 months. I previously owned a 1997 and had the same problem. The 1997 eventually would not start at all and it was the fuel pump. It seems almost the exact same problem. I hate to spend 500.00 dollars for a internal fuel pump, if it may not be the problem. Any advise on testing or is this typical problem when a TJ fuel pump starts to go bad. Thanks Randy, Bethlehem Pa.
This should be an easy one to troubleshoot. This could be, nothing more than water in the fuel, a plugged fuel filter or plugged fuel injectors. I would run a good grade fuel injector cleaner through a couple of tanks of fuel, and see if it helps. Also, on the fuel rail, there is a valve (similar to a tire valve) that is used to test fuel pressure. If the pressure is low, and it is due to a clogged, or dirty fuel filter, this can burn out a fuel pump if the filter isn't changed. There are some sensors, such as the "throttle position sensor" that can cause a problem similar to this. If the fuel system checks out ok, I would find a reputable shop, and have them run an electronic diagnostic on your Jeep.