4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Clutch assembly, clutch linkage, cotter pin
QuestionCarl I'm sorry if this isn't in the specified field, but if you've got the time I'm willing to listen. I'm working on a stock 90 wrangler, I've managed to replace the slave,and mastercylinders and hydraulic line. I've also replaced the clutch and pressure plate. As best I can tell I've bled the system to death. However; to my dismay I can't get the clutch to engage, unless I place an extra little bit of length on the master cylinder push rod, then it will work just fine. unfortunately the rod is a non adjustable, and the peddle just has
the cotter pin assembly. So before I go making modifications I was wondering if this was normal, or if I've totally missed something.
Are you saying that the clutch is slipping, and not engaging, or is it hanging up. If it isn't engaging, or slipping then you have something in the clutch linkage hung up, or the wrong clutch. Do you have an internal slave cylinder, or the external?