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4-Wheel Drive and SUVs
Are any vehicles affected by Y2K38? It's now less than 14 years until January 19, 2038
No, Y2K38 does not impact the automotive industry directly as most systems have not utilized a 32-bit integer to define time since epoch for many years.
Jeep Cherokee XJ, 1997, RPM surges when accelerating?
Isuzu: 89 Isuzu p/u Vin #s, engine parts, chk
Are any vehicles affected by Y2K38? It's now less than 14 years until January 19, 2038
Are any vehicles affected by Y2K38? It's now less than 14 years until January 19, 2038
2006 Kia Optima - Which fluid?
Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1930 Model A, clutch pedal, broken axle
Dodge Repair: Instrument cluster failure 1994 Dodge Caravan
Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): govenorlikage, tecumseh repair manual, torosnowblower
Cadillac Repair: a/c, vacuum hoses, autohelp
Hyundai Repair: 2003 Hyundai Accent, hyundai accent, roll pin
Chrysler Repair: Reverse Light switch Chrysler Voyager 2.0 1998, reverse light switch, chrysler voyager
Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Motorcycle, honda cb450, harley sportster
Auto Racing: F1 Steering Wheel, brake bias, auction prices