Jeep: front end problem, cv joints, tight radius
Question95 grand cherrokee 6 cyl 4.0 full time 4-wheel dr
after the jeep is hot when making tight turns
ex.into parking spots the front feels like it has a posi rear end but in the front and the front jerks and fights you,I have had it in the garage numerous times and they can not figure it out the spec's are all correct and it does not do it all the time mainly after its been run 30 minute or more
This only started about 6 months ago 183000 miles on it
AnswerThe front axle on any four wheel drive vehicle should jerk when you turn them at a tight radius, it happens when one wheel is trying to travel a different distance than the other as they are locked in four wheel drive mode.
Given the mileage, you probably also have severely worn cv joints that are binding as you turn.
You have just given the exact reason I would never buy a four wheel drive vehicle with full time four wheel drive.