Suzuki: Suzuki Samurai having major issues! Help!, electric fuel pumps, vacuum leak

I recently rebuilt my samurai tired, wore out 1.3L factory motor with new 9.5 to 1 pistons bored .20 over and new cam. New rings, bearings, carburetor, headers, exhaust and new wires, plugs, cap, fuel pump, fuel filter, the works! The truck ran okay except for the running rich on the Weber 32/36 through the break in period about 500-700 miles. Now for the bad stuff:

I use to have a Weber 32/36 carburetor and replaced to a new Weber 38 hoping this would correct my running problems but it hasn’t. The truck will run at an idle but as soon as it is put in a load situation it dies. So I said ok it has to be a fuel issue, took the tank off cleaned and check for flow, replaced the fuel filter and everything was good.  Thinking it was a vacuum leak I did the carburetor cleaner test and no air leaks. I have checked the timing, replaced jets, tried electric fuel pumps, fuel regulators, and nothing works it still dies and runs rough!  I did notice the vacuum advance was not working so I put a new vacuum advance on the distributor and still no good it still runs rough and dies under load.  I recently decided to install the new MY-Side Harley Carburetor update and just do away with the Weber and still the same problem HELP ME THIS SAMMY IS GOING TO PUT ME IN AN EARLY GRAVE or EMPTY Wallet   

When it's running rough, spray some carb cleaner in the air filter, if it runs better, start looking for a vacuum leak somewhere, or a carb issue.
If it runs worse, start figuring how to deal with the rich issue.
I would look VERY carefully at the ignition system, and especially the plugs/gap  Many times, this is the problem.
I think it's an ignition issue.