Suzuki: diff, suzuki manual, sj410

dear Scott

your advice and knowledge of a 1984 sj410 has helped me alot in the past and i once again ask your assistance!

my 1984 sj410 rear diff is making a thumping sound when i drive forward, but when i'm in reverse she is as quite as can be. can this be my sideshafts and if so, how do i go about fixing the problem???

if you could please assist me in this i would one again be grateful. thank you in advance

If it's not the driveshaft (from the front to the differential) "u-joints" being severely worn, then the only solution is do disassemble and inspect.

It's not that difficult, and with the aid of a repair manual (please, ONLY the Suzuki manual, published by the manufacturer, the others are not particularly useful, and literally a waste of money and time)

You may have to take the "sideshafts", "axles" in US terminology to a mechanic to get the bearings replaced, if they're bad, but most of the rest is fairly straightforward.

Get back to me, and I'll try to be of help.