Suzuki: problems with susuki esteem 1999, air flow meter, highway mileage

I have a esteem 99, is very bad on gas 170 miles full tank,I have replaced wires,plugs,thermostat,tempeture sensor,computer,air flow meter, cam and crank sensors,egr valve, an still the same it does not have power at all and the check engine light is off????????

I'm very good with Samurais, but know nothing about esteem.  I will suggest a couple of things.  Warm it up, then fill it, and drive in a conservative manner strictly on the highway in the absence of stop and go traffic, return to the gas station, refill, and check your highway mileage.  Any mileage lower than that could be weather related, (cold engines use considerably more fuel) traffic related, etc.  See if your highway mileage is roughly the same as advertised EPA highway figures.  If you need a technician go to, and use the shopfinder on the first page.  At least this way you are relatively assured of getting a competent tech.