Suzuki: sidekick hubs, wheel bearings, hubs
QuestionHi, I'm looking at a '92 Sidekick with very high towed mileage (about 270000m). The front hubs make a fair bit of noise (like gear whine)when they're engaged and the hubs themselves seem to run hot (I can touch them). One cv definitely clicks. Could this indicate something is getting very worn or would this be normal for this vehicle?
AnswerIt's probable the hubs are staying engaged. Just get manual ones. replace the CV joint. Clicking is a symptom of a worn out CV joint. What you've described seems entirely normal for this mileage and usage. There is a bushing that locates the end of the CV joint at the hub, that can only be greased by partially withdrawing the joint and forcing grease in. Old, poorly lubricated or poorly adjusted wheel bearings could also be a contributing factor. A web site for access to parts and a wealth of information is izook dot com. there are well over a dozen sites there.