QuestionDriving last night ( I use my car for delivery of papers) car ran fine all night then near the end of my route when I would apply my brake the idle would drop and engine would stumble. I ususally stay in 1st or 2nd between boxes and coast alot, then I have 20 minute steady drive home where the car ran fine again, what can I check first? It was also rather warm about 70, if the heat might have anything to do with it but temp gauge didnt move.
AnswerThere is a device that controls the amount of air at idle, and is variable, and is controlled by the ECM (engine control module) The best probability is that the TPS (throttle position sensor) had a momentary glitch, and the ECM still believed the engine was at an above idle throttle position, and didn't actuate the idle controls. I only have manuals and info for carbureted and injected Samurais, and even thought the systems work similarly, the specs and procedures are necessarily different. If it doesn't repeat, fine, but if it does, whoever does the work will REQUIRE a Suzuki FACTORY, (not Chilton, or Haines) manual. The info you require is not in the aftermarket manuals, that's why they're inexpensive. I had an 89 8 valve sidekick, and had similar idle issues, and it eventually required a new TPS, and the factory's set-up procedure to get it to work correctly.
I could well be wrong, and it could easily be something else, as keyboard and CRT diagnoses are not particularly accurate at times, but that's my best guess. A SWAG (scientific wild-ass guess).