Suzuki: rising oil?, coolant lines, expansion device
Questionhey, i've been checking my oil every three days for the past week and a half, it's weird i've been checking my oil between 2-2.5 hours after i've shut the engine off, and it seems as the days go by im gaining oil, is this me being stupid or is there a good reason for this, it's not coolant leaking into the oil is it?
thanks, geoff
AnswerIf it's coolant, the oil will look like a chocolate or vanilla milk shake. Does it smell a little like fuel? Samurai carburetors are infamous for having the choke biased too rich (too much fuel) There's a pair of coolant lines going to a "wax pill" expansion device that operates the choke. You can take the carb off, turn it upside down, and open up the "sealed" adjustment, put in a longer screw (3 mm if I remember correctly) and a lock nut, and get the choke to come off sooner. A higher idle speed (about 2500 or so also helps a lot with complete combustion) I BELIEVE this is what's happening, but it's hard to diagnose through a CRT and keyboard. Does it run a little rough when first started up cold until you rev it up with the throttle? That's a prime symptom. It may take a little experimentation, but it is well worth the time if that's what you are experiencing.