Suzuki: spark plug oil, castrol gtx, leak down test

QUESTION: hey scotty,

thanks again for the info, on cylinders 2 and 4, there is a enough oil of the spark plug threads to just coat them, but they're not dripping, just kind of shiny with oil.  also is castrol gtx a good oil, i've heard people say it's excellent oil, whats your take on it?

thanks, geoff

ANSWER: If the cylinders are shiny with oil after a warm up, and a five minute run on the highway, do a leak down test to determine if the rings are sealing. If they are, you need to start considering cylinder head  valve guide sealing issues.  One thing that I saw once that's extremely rare is that the oil rings were directional (had an up/down direction, and were installed upside down. Needless to say, it gave everyone fits until we found out what it was)
Castrol is just fine.  I suggest wet and dry compression tests, and a leak down test on all cylinders.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: heeey scotty,
thanks for the info, how exactly do you do a leak down test, and if it is the seals, will it be ok to keep running the car as is (with the oil leak, keeping an eye on oil level and temperature), for about six months or so without having to worry to much?
thanks Geoff

a leak down test uses a special gauge set, and is done with each cylinder individually at top dead center firing position.  It measures how much leakage each individual cylinder has.  Usually 6-8%is normal for a good condition motor.  Anywhere above 12% is not good.  You can probably drive it for at least six months with no problems, they're really tough little motors.