Tips on Buying Cars: dealer price negotiation, jim sears, applicable rebates
Questionhello, A very happy new year to you ! I am looking at buying a camry LE 2008; This is my first car and i do not know how to negotiate with a car dealer so as to get the best price - please advise - they say the invoice is 21,934; on this they add sales tax (975) + documentation ($100) + plates ($66)
AnswerHello zen: The Dealer should actually have the invoice at the Sales Manager's desk. It will show the VIN Number of the car as well as the MSRP, and the Invoice price. Make certain to ask for all the applicable rebates if any that are available at the time of sale. The sales tax is based on the purchase price of the vehicle, and goes to your State. The dealer has no control over that amount as well as the Plates etc. Where a lot of people get "stiffed" is when you look at all of the available extras you can purchase in the Finance office, such as extended warrantees, credit health, or life insurance, gap insurance etc. These items are sold, usually at a substantial mark up. Look at each item carefully and see if it is suited to you, before you sign up. Best of luck and let me know if I can be of any further help! Jim Sears.