QuestionHello, I found this site online while i was searching for information on buying new cars and return policy's and such. My question concerns a new vehicle purchase that I am now trying to get off my hands. See me and mywife decided to split up and she took the car that we were paying on andi took m already paid off honda. First it was a mistake for me to let her go with the truck that i was paying on, so i called her back and told her that we should trade in the truck for two cars, and so we tried, but i could not find a car formyself, the dealer was going to find one for me. anyways she found something that she wanted and go it, while i was still waiing for a car for me.She was making me think and giving me hope that she was going to come back to me, so long story short she takes the car and dissappears for 6months and the cars in my name, she was late onsome payments from what i find out, andnow a month ago i found out that she couldnt make the payments on it so i told her to give it to me and that she could have my car, becuase i wanted to protect my credit from bing ruined, and so now i have a two car payments and i own a classic car that i picked up for 600 bucks that im working on that runs and drives. my problem is I need to get rid of this new 2007 car, its a pontiac so it doesnt hold its value very well at all. I am putting on autotrader and asking for something to take over payments and that I will pay the buyer 500 in cash also agreeing to buy the car. I am also in the mlitary and i am deploying soon so i am trying to get these matters resolved. I hope you can help, thanks, justin.
AnswerHi Justin
I could give you the run of the mill answer but you being in the service for your country deserve a proper answer and that means I need some more answers to guide you in the right direction.
1 ) is vehicle leased or financed
2 ) model and miles
3 ) When you mentioned someone take over payments, tells me it must be a lease as this action cant be done with financing ?
4 ) what are your payments and term
5 ) If financing whats the Interest rate
6 ) your zip code
7 ) tell me about the second car your also making payment on, year _ make - model - miles - term - monthly payments - interest rate.
I know I am asking many questions but with your answers we will find the best way to handle this, this question that you posted was not made private by you and therefore along with my answer is posted on the Internet. if you want to make it personal, your choice, contact me through my website address with info I asked