Tips on Buying Cars: Leasing & Negotiations, jim sears, factory to dealer incentives


When leasing a car, can you negotiate the price of the car before entering into the lease? I know that one can with a purchase, but wasn't sure with a lease, but assumed so.


Hi Charles: You can't negotiate the purchase price on a lease as you would on a purchase. However you are eligible for any rebates or other factory to dealer incentives that are available on the vehicle. This is because there are so many predetermined variables in the deal. Residual etc. You can negotiate up front the amount of mileage you want and the costs of miles over at the end of the lease. There are a lot of lease protection programs out there now such as GM's  Lease protection, that will waive any repair costs up to 1000.00 on vehicle turn in, such as broken windshield, torn interior, paint dings etc. You may also negotiate the residual amount to purchase the vehicle after the lease if you so desire. I like leasing, if you trade often and keep your mileage correct it is a great thing to do.  Best of luck, Jim Sears