Tips on Buying Cars: Steps to buy used car from private seller, jim sears, tag receipt

Hello I am 19 in florida and I am trying to buy my first car. I plan on getting one from a private seller.I am confused as to how the process works. I give the seller my money and then what do i do ? How do i transfer or receive a about the tittle ,and do i keep the old tag or get a new one? etc.

Hi Ebony: Good luck with your vehicle purchase. It is fairly easy to do. When you pay for your car, you should receive from the seller, a bill of sale, usually hand written that will state that you have paid for the vehicle and how much. You will need to get the title to the vehicle as well. This is what to look for on a title: Make sure that the title is in the name of the person that is selling you the car. Make sure that if there was a leinholder on the title, that it has been signed off as paid. And it is very important that the seller signs and prints his or her name in the PROPER spaces on the back of the title. You can NOT erase or line thru any mistakes on a title. The seller will have to get a new title if any mistakes or corrections are needed. You bring the title to the tag office and they will convert it to one in your name. It usually takes a few weeks, and you will get it in the mail. As far as the tag goes, some states require you to get a new one, some states, the tag stays with the car. I am not sure about Florida, but I think the tag stays with the car. If it does (Check with your local tag office before you buy) then make sure to get the tag receipt with the bill of sale and title. You will need to have proof of insurance when you go to the tag office. I would get that insurance before you drive the car away, just in case! I will be available at anytime if need any more info. Best of luck, I hope you find the car you are looking for.---Jim Sears