Tips on Buying Cars: HP and torque for the 1998Chevy 7.4 l. engine., suburban 4x4, chevy suburban

Jeff-I currently drive a 1998 chevy suburban LT, 2500, 4x4, with the 454 (7.4l) engine.  I'm getting ready to buy a new 2500 suburban 4x4 and wanted to compare the h.p. and torque ratings of the 6.0 l engine with my '98.  Thanks, Mike.

The 7.4 in your '98 generates 290 horsepower and 385 lb-ft of torque.  A 2007 3/4-ton Suburban with the 6.0 has 352 horsepower and 383 lb-ft of torque.  With virtually identical torque figures, the new one will pull about the same from a stoplight; the increased horsepower would be most noticeable on the highway, at passing speeds.  Of course, all those new towing features Chevy now offers would be a nice improvement over the '98 (assuming you use it a lot for towing).