Tips on Buying Cars: Should I trade in or keep, jeep compass, orlando fl area

Hello I live in the orlando fl area I currently have a 2004 kia sorrento it has 73000 miles and is in fair condition. The gas is killing me so I am considering a Jeep Compass. I currently owe 11,700 on the kia very upside down. My current paymnt is only 312.99 new paymnt with neg equity will be 570.00 I am just worried that my if I do not get rid of the kia now by time it is paid off I will need another car and the kia will not be worth anything I am not sure what to do please help

Hi Deanna,
First the gas on the jeep compass will also be bad. Do you really want to almost double your payment????? Why not keep it a bit longer, your payment is $312.00 of the extra 258.00, put $50.00 away each month for mechanical problems, and put the other $200.00 away for when you really need a new car. if you keep it 2 more years, you will have an extra $4800.00 saved. let me know if you have any other questions.
