Tips on Buying Cars: headlight bulb replacement, chevy blazer, headlamp bulb
QuestionHow do I replace the headlamp bulb on a 2003 Chevy Blazer?
How do I access the Bulb to replace it?
Thank You
AnswerHi Chris,
I think you've directed your question to the wrong forum but I'll try to help.
If the Blazer is like most vehicles, you have a composite type headlamp assembly where the bulb is installed from the backside of the assembly.
You may or may not need to remove other items to access the area such as the battery, liquid reservoirs plastic shields etc. Once accessible, you will find a roundish cap that covers and/or holds the bulb. Generally you will turn the cap counter clockwise about a 1/4 turn and pull it off, unplug the bulb. You may need a small screw driver for the plug clip for gentle prying. The bulb will either come out by turning 1/4 turn as well or may be held with little spring clips that you squeeze together.
When installing the new bulb, do not touch the glass part at all as skin oil will cause it to burn out prematurely.
Reverse the sequence.
Good luck!