Tips on Buying Cars: tag and tittle, department of motor vehicles, legal aide
Questionhello, i bought a car before i had a drivers license therefore i put it in my exs name i then had to get a title loan ( i have my drivers license now) im almost done paying title loan off , but its still in her name and i cant locate her , how can i get the title in my name? or register it in my name
AnswerHi Windy,
Oh boy, this sounds like a sticky one. I'm not an attorney, nor do I know the specific laws in whatever state you live it, but my guess is that you're going to have a problem getting the title in your name. The only way I know this can happen is to have your ex sign it over to you; as far as your state knows and is concerned, he's the legally registered owner. Without his signature I don't think you have any legal rights to ownership of it.
Remember, I'm not an attorney and I'm not offering you legal advice, but I think you might want to get some. If you don't have an attorney you can try legal aide offered by your city or county; they may have some ideas that you will be able to try. I'd also suggest you contact your state's department of motor vehicles: you never know how they may be able to help. It's certainly worth a few quick calls.
Sorry I can't give you anything more than this, Windy. Hope it works out for you. If it does let me know--I like to hear good, positive news every once in awhile.
Happy Holidays, Windy!