Tips on Buying Cars: Bad Credit Financing, new car loan, congratulations on your promotion
QuestionI find myself with an urgent need to buy a new car as I have been given a promotion that requires a commute but have no car. I also cannot afford to not take the promotion and cannot move. I have bad credit (597 credit score) due to stupidity when younger. I have been slowly fixing my past mistakes, and know i should wait to buy a car until I repair my credit. I had planned to wait, but now can't. Is it possible for someone with such a score to get a new car loan without a co-signer? If not, how much good does a co-signer do?
AnswerSpecial Financing, as it is called, happens to be my specialty. Depending on your credit file you should be able to finance a car on your own. Expect to put between $750-$2000 down, as well as having to gather different things to satisfy a banks lending conditions. I would look at a preowned car if I were you. There are a ten or so banks that I do business with that your score would not preclude you from financing a car. Good Luck and congratulations on your promotion.