QuestionI'm buying a new car from a local San Antonio dealer. First question, do they factor in sales tax with or without the destination fee? Also, I was charged tax with everything added in at 6.62%, I was under the impression that auto sales tax in Tx is 6.25%, are they trying to rip me off? It's no where near 6.25% with all added in or with only the car factored in.
Furthermore, as far as I know, the title is between $28 and $33 in tx, the registration is no more than $73 in tx, how much should I be charged for license fee and how much are Texas dealerships allowed to charge for Documentation fee b/c they want $466.05 (reg, title, lic, fees) and I'm coming up $360 short.
Thx for any help regarding this dilemma.
AnswerTax IS calculated on destination and handling, as it is part of the price of the vehicle. There are several different taxes you are paying when you purchase an automobile in Texas. The state tax is 6.25%! Then you have a county tax (or fee), road and bridge fee, vehicle inventory tax, two-year state inspection, state registration, deputy service fee, and a document-filing fee (state limit is $50). Except for the document-filing fee all the other taxes and fees go to some sort of government entity. Every one of these fees should be listed out individually on the final buyers order you sign in the Finance Office. If you are every in doubt make the FINANCE MANAGER explain it to you, not your salesman. Hope this helps, and enjoy your new car.