Tips on Buying Cars: Purchasing new car, plan assistance, finance deals
QuestionI want to purchase a new car. I want to do my homework before buying the car so was wondering how many times might raise their price over invoice price. I heard that there are 2 invoice prices associated with a car? Where can I find correct invoice price so salesman and I can negotiate?
Should I sell my old car on the street or trade it in when buying new? I have never traded my old car in when buying new so don't want to get t aken by the salesman. Sell on street or trade it in when buying new?
AnswerHi Gary and thanks for the question(s). I will try to help if I can. First, as to how many invoice prices; the dealer gets an actual invoice from the manufacturer that shows the price the dealer must pay for the vehicle. This is normally the amount a bank or finance company finances for the dealer. Included in the invoice price are charges,credits that may be refunded to the dealer at some time, normally on a scheduled(monthly,quarterly,annualy etc) basis. There may also be charges/credits for financing assistance, also known as floor plan assistance. As to the rest of the questions you can get all the answers from such sites as (which I personally think is the best) and others. They show you the actual cost, retail, what you can expect to pay, what rebates/finance deals and other offers from manufacturers/dealers. They also will help you with the value of your current vehicle. When you describe your current vehicle do not grade it higher than it actually is or you will not get good info. Best of luck to you and if you have more specific questions be sure to get back to me. Bud