Hiya Ray,
sorry for the delay in answering your email, but have been on holiday for a week and have just got back. went to a lovely seaside town in kent called ramsgate.
Anyway in answer to your questions about the golf im thinking of buying:-
they want £1200 for it.
I dont know how long theyve had it but its an M reg (1994).
The reason they are selling it is because the husband wants a vehicle with more storage space for their work.
Before buying somebody from the automobile association is looking at it which is very reassuring.
I also work with the woman whose selling it and shes lovely so I should be alright.
Thank you again and take care
Best Regards
Good to hear from you...and you seem to have taken all the right steps...GOOD LUCK...
You work with the woman selling the car ( lets hope you remain friends...just teasing )...
Any other questions you or your friends may have i will be here...
chow for now ...and am proud you done your homework