Tips on Buying Cars: i would like to know, toyota corolla, mechanical problems
Questioni would like to know if Saturn is know to have any mechanical problems or some other problems if i would purchase a 1997 or 98 vehicle??
and also i would like to know what problems i shoud look out for or disfunctions of any sort of year 1995 toyota corolla
AnswerHi Mike
I understand your question of concern...and if you were looking at a car 1 to 3 yrs old then its a valid Q...but looking at models 6 to 10 yrs old, i would think if there were major problems it would have happen by now...
of the 2 vehicles mentioned i am not aware of any major re-calls...I think your main concern should be overall condition as to what you decide to buy...there are some steps you should follow to assure you get your dollars worth...go to my website click on...accident...test drive...take to mechanic etc...and if you want further input feel free to get back to me...good luck...Ray