Tips on Buying Cars: Invalid contract
QuestionSo I bought a truck and the dealership lied to the finance company said I put $2500 down as well as they said that it was a crew cab top of the line with sun roof and everything showed me the book on that truck then when I looked up the actual value it was $6000 upside down but since the contract say crew cab LE and mine is a king cab SE and the down was lied about is that grounds to terminate the contract?
Answer Good morning Clayton thank you for the question the short answer is yes based on what you've told me in the shin and not too much time is going by what you have is a contract then voidable. Or is the vet say the bank fraud committed by the dealer in order to get financing approved and A car sold I am dictating this into my cell phone as I'm driving 80 miles an hour down the freeway so please excuse any typos The first thing you should do is Call the dealer and tell him that you're bringing the truck back and resending the contract because of the fraud that was permitted and then if he gives you any grief or argument at all then immediately call the bank and let them know what happened and tell them that you will be returning the vehicle I will add to this answer when I get to my office in about 45 minutes to an hour